And thus she reappears


However, my intentions have never been to troll. If I have been a troll, it was due to those who spread the message with anger and disgust. The only time I ever claimed to be a troll was when it was convenient, and that was the only purpose for that post. Otherwise, I stand behind what I’ve said and will continue you to say. The rest of the misconceptions are based on what you all have said.

Notable (especially to those who believe she is a troll).

Following the debut video, I will begin making videos at my leisure to detail our agenda. And, it will be virtually 100% transparent.

I will continue to follow the methodology of forceful disbelief.

I tell you what we want to do, you don’t believe me, it happens, we win, and you cannot complain because you knew all along what the plan was.

That’s how it will continue to go, and thus far it has been one-hundred percent effective.

I ask not for your rage, or for your sadness, or for your attention. I ask merely that you follow along and be a part of this journey with us. And, in the end, you will be privy to the undeniable truth…

That we have won.

It sounds more like forceful belief or Suspension of disbelief ( required in fiction.

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